City of Literature


Based on the decision of the Municipality of Debrecen’s City Council, the coordination of the planned programs and the tasks associated with network membership will be supervised by Méliusz Juhász Péter Library. Through its role and experiences in local cultural life, the library can effectively cooperate with Debrecen's leadership, partner institutions and cities, as well as NGOs operating in the creative field, in order to make the city an active member of the Creative Cities network, representing the network's values ​​and objectives. As an active member of the We Love Books network, the library already has direct relations with the NGOs and businesses involved in the implementation.

The implementation itself is coordinated by a five-person management team consisting of professionals with plenty of experience in the relevant fields. Every member of the team has actively participated in the process of preparation and the writing of the application, so they have adequate knowledge and insight into the commitments and tasks associated with network membership from the very beginning.

The management team includes a project leader, an operative manager, a coordinator, as well as a communications and a project assistant.